Next Step: Serve in a ministry

Often times we feel ready to jump in and help somewhere, but we're not sure where would be the best fit for us. There are a few things you can do to get started in discovering where you could serve in our church and community:

1. If you're in a Small Group, we encourage you to talk with your Small Group leader about this. Your small group will have a good understanding of your giftedness and could steer you in the right direction.

2. Fill out the form below and share some of your interests. The pastors and ministry leaders will look it over and someone will contact you with some opportunities we think fits with what you've shared with us.

3. Complete a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. There is no perfect formula that will tell you exactly where you should be serving, but these assessments could give you some options of where you might most be gifted to serve.

Healthy Growing Leaders Spiritual Gifts Assessment

- S.H.A.P.E. Test